
Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting the Tots in order

So our new re-implemented "Tot Time" has been a smashing success. Well actually it has probably saved many things from being smashed. I am reminded that the busier I keep there minds and fingers the less time they have to destroy. :)

Our current schedule is simple since I am just getting them into a routine, I hope to add to it as they adjust.

For now the schedule is

1. independent coloring time (Color Wonder, Coloring books, Or blank paper and pencil)

2. 30 minute dvd - either leap frog, veggie tale, or Davey and Goliath they get to choose which

3. Activity tub time with mom. (I have a tub for each school day with an activity in it and they pick each day which to do)

4. Story time - they pick one of the books I have in a tub. They take turns choosing the book.

5. Snack time - with the big kids

6. nap time and they listen to a cd, lullaby or bible songs

So here are some pics from this week.

I found the big kids old Leap Pads up in the laundry room. We had not opened the box since we moved. I got them down dusted them off and they have been so much fun. They all have been enjoying them. :)
This day the boys used crayons to color the bottom of egg cartons to match the dinosaurs they had. Then they placed them all in the matching spots. Dumped them out/ put them back/ and repeat. :) While counting and saying the color of course. hehehe The crayon was very light and next time we will use marker.

We started out making patterns and then they just counted and stacked these.

Here the boys are putting buttons through toilet paper rolls into mason jars. I would call out a color and they would find one that color to put in the jar.

Then we used plastic wrap and a hair band to make makeshift instruments. So we shook and danced for a bit.
We did the build and grow clinic again this week. They are getting pretty good at waiting for directions and hammering the nails in.

Before next week I hope to have a few things sewn for tot time and I will be rotating our activities so we will have a few new ones next week.

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Tot School


Tiff said...

FUN! I totally suck at tot time. They just "do school" with the big kids...

I'm looking into the build and grow clinics here.

LadyJ said...

I will tell you Tiff the main reason we are doing a Tot time is because if they aren't busy they distract Timmy. Also Evangeline is getting very independent with her work. So I work with Timmy while they do there stuff and she does independent work. Then while they nap we do our together read alouds and such. Still trying to figure out math and science time. That is still a bit spastic.

All4HisGlory said...

SOMEBODY has been cutting your boys' hair :-( boo! (not that it is a bad job Sherry ;), just that i feel like it is MY job ;)

Cute ideas for the littles.... I need to work more with Asa. He needs to start learning more letter blends. He has single letter sounds down, and colors, and shapes, but isn't interested in much else unless it has something to do with dinosaurs or super heroes.

LadyJ said...

Actually Shae I have been cutting it myself. Can you believe that! Well with my mommas clippers. I even did my hubbies hair twice now. Gotta save money. :)